Monday, April 23, 2012


Off to Sun  City I went with my kids in tow. It was a great getaway for them well for me in was a lot juggling.  I know the whole talk about multitasking talk for women, sorry at times I just wanna deal with one thing. So whilst trying to encourage my 3yr old daughter to enjoy the way and my son who was totally having a blast running towards the fake waves at the Valley of the Waves and taking a picture with my phone well you know what happened... the Black Berry took a swim.  So l had a very restful weekend without bbm,tweeting and facebook and I can tell you who my real friends are based who called or picked up,I'm kinda missing in action...

I must say I really some quality time with my little people. Sorry no pictures to prove that...

Friday, April 20, 2012

Hello and Welcome @ThePhlyOne's Blog.

I've accepted that I do love putting my thoughts on to something, and with my eyes I can tell a good story about anything l come across. Since I got on radio at the tender age of 18yrs generating content for me come naturally. Let me be honest I procrastinate a lot, my 1st idea to have a website was back in 2000 after I started writing for City Press on a column called the Social ButterPhly I changed the spelling to have a ''P'' for my name Penny. Every year after that I kept on expanding the dream but not executing until one day I woke up and realized so much time is gone. By now if you don't know the website has 3 different looks that l have not been happy with until the current. I have a lot to say, unearth,share,discover,showcase l'm sure i was born to be on more than just one platform. Radio has never been enough for me,TV has always to controlled, Print too limited, I also do Speaking the truth is l have come to accept that writhing is really what I should do but damn. l'm never in one spot so.....

So the website will focus on clients with a more corporate approach like the Penny Lebyane Brand and the blog is more my reality series my other life as the ''The Phly One'' sassy and with it....

So  let's goooo!

BACK TO 2011....

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Invite....

I'm not really keen on being called a celebrity to some degree I loath the word for what people get up too to be called that. A good friend of mine who's gifted in the culinary arena Lucia Mthiyane has invited me to some ''Celebrity Media Cookout Event on Saturday the 21st April...

The 1st un ''Celebrity'' thing I'm gonna do is travel today, in my car, with my kids since they are on school holidays to Sun City and be a Mommy the real gig I wanna be celebrated for by the little people.

Just too show what do l mean good friend, No Make Up kinda friend....

I will also post one with make up so I can still be her friend after this weekend....

Hello and welcome to my Blog World...

The truth is I have been running away from one of the things I love doing writing and sharing my thoughts with those who follow what I do and introducing myself to a whole new audience who don't know what I'm about. I love all things Media, that's Radio,TV,Print and Online. I'm a natural born broadcaster.... So the more the platforms I have to share,discover,reveal,talk about, lead too the merrier for me cos all the stuff is out of my head....

Purple Is My Fav Color....

Okay my story goes.... I got on Radio 1st, then Tv, then a columnist for City Press in SA around Celebrity event in year 2000. So since the I've been running away from something I can do well which is content generations.....
I have a official website which will service my corporate clients and build the Penny Lebyane Unlimited - Corpate side of things and this blog will keep the Life Style side of things alive too. I have never been one thing and at most the world l've operated of in of  Entertainment has been trying to box me... So I've Found My Wings and I'm Phlying in new territories....

I'm Spiritual, Women, Life, Culture,Style, Fashion,Places,People,Music, Passion and Purpose at most  constantly reaching new heights...

So let's Go...